Hi Everyone, just to let you know that we are postponing our herbal courses certainly until June and will reschedule everything as soon a we have clarity as to when people are free to move and socially engage again. All those who have paid deposits will receive a full refund over the next couple of days.
It was a difficult decision as by their nature our courses are generally small groups and with a lot of outdoor time, however in fairness to all concerned, people last minute being unable to attend and social distancing being seen as desirable, it seemed the wisest move.
Hopefully we will be up and running as soon as it is feasible, and would appreciate any people wanting to register an interest in particular courses to let me know so

we can prioritise our rescheduling and be sure to let you know as soon as we know ourselves.
A big thankyou to the support of all our partners in providing the courses, especially Beardwood Natural Living Project(www.beardwoodnlp.org) who are obviously under pressure on many fronts with cancellation of projects and groups at this time, support them in any way you can, but hopefully we will be refilling the diary very soon.
For any health advice (my clinics are still open at present and I have skype consultation facilities) go to richardtheherbman@gmail.com
Hopefully see you all soon and meanwhile get out in nature wherever and whenever you can, the best healer of all.
Richard Linton