Had a brilliant Autumn walk and workshop last weekend, and the sun shone!
Along the walk we picked Rose hips, hawthorn berries, just got some ripe elderberries, collected conkers and dug up valerian root and dock root. And we bought back a few blackberries that weren't eaten along on the way.
Plenty else was spotted along the way
After lunch it was workshop time,

We made teas with rosebay willowherb and the hawthorn, looked at how to make tinctures, and tasted and prepared a wonderful elderberry syrup.
Onto creams and lotions, we made a lotion bar for everyone and a winter dry skin cream based around the rosehips.
The conkers went into a aloe vera gel for varicose veins.

The final glory was Fire Cider to blow away winter colds and cobwebs!!

Thanks to everyone that made it a great day.